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  • Sidharth Menon's avatar
    [dagster-graphql] Dagster GraphQL Python Client [2/4] · de119cfb
    Sidharth Menon authored
    This diff creates the `dagster-graphql-client` CLI:
            1. Adds BK checks to ensure that current GraphQL queries by the client are included in a legacy query `query_snapshot` folder via `dagster-graphql-client query check`
                    a. It also adds the `dagster-graphql-client query snapshot` command to add the GraphQL client's queries to the `query_snapshot` directory
            2. Tests to ensure that each query in the `client_backcompat` directory is still supported by the GraphQL server (so at a minimum, we can be intentional about breaking changes that arise)
    Depends on D7409
    Test Plan: bk script checks + new backcompat tests (this diff is mostly tests)
    Reviewers: rexledesma, alangenfeld, catherinewu, sandyryza
    Reviewed By: rexledesma
    Differential Revision: