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Tradeoff Optimization Collaborative Visualizing Modeling Language TOCVML

Tradeoff Optimization Collaborative Visualizing Modeling Language (TOCVML)

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I have been searching high and low and asking many smart people whether they know of a visual way of depicting the inherent and inter-related trade-offs made when constructing the architecture of a thing.

The things in my world are "Solutions" made in "Software" - but I have a strong gut feeling that such a method would enable depiction of the architecture of many types of "things".

I am aware of the mathematical oriented visualizations known as Multi-Objective Optimization and the subset of Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithms which seems to be a branch of Multi-Criteria Decision Making (or Analysis).

However, so far, I have not found a:

  1. Visual Representation Model.
  2. That enables visualization of non-Quantitative criteria.
  3. That is authorable using normal documentation tools (not mathematical ones)
  4. That is 2 or less dimensions.
  5. That allows for coercion of trade off alignment into
  6. Aligned sets that reflect higher order trade-offs (what EMO calls "higher order information")

In other words, there has to be a simpler way that is more accessible and easier method for architects and engineers to document the conscious and unconscious trade-offs their presented "thing" embodies.

How do you document the unconscious? I find it generally happens naturally when you have a visualization method you apply to all the conscious information you know - it has a way of forcing the hidden things to the surface because you mind automatically notices unfollowed threads implied by what you have modelled so far.

Modeling in this way also allows someone reusing the blueprint to change the values on the linear scales, create new combinations and discard or discount criteria they feel has a lower priority - yet preserve the structure of the optimization model that they agree with or value. Such changes do not require a super computer to recalculate a huge mathematical model.

Below is the "State of this Art" - and yes, my art sucks - apologies you have to be subjected to it for the sake of my working out of this technique ;)

TOCVML for GitLab Runner Authorization Methods Into Cloud Environments

This one is unique in that it was modeled from the depicted table - my long standing way of attempting to blueprint trade offs. Documenting it this way also cause the recognition an additional trade-off that never was in the table - "Developer User Complexity".

TOCVML for Gitlab Runner Auth to Cloud

TOCVML for Version Numbers

Playing with this resulted innovizing (innovation through optimization efforts) a new version number schema that combines benefits of Sem Version, Date Strings and UUIDs. This is depicted in the diagram as SemDateTime. It also helped me discover and articulate the higher order trade offs in the green boxes.

TOCVML Version Numbers

TOCVML Working Examples for Production Versus Learning Needs

Enablement is tough when it is always tempting to make the working example patterns for learning be capable of being used for production-grade implementation. It seems everyone struggles with the inherent trade offs between simplifying for the sake of specific concept and skill onboarding, compared to the level of complexity and intrinsic cognitive load required for production-grade implementations.

TOCVML Working Examples for Production Versus Learning Needs