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Prioritized labels

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.

Other labels

  • TypeBug
    Something isn't working as expected
  • Something isn't working as expected and requires assessment before it can be categorized as a bug
  • TypeQA
    Ensure a new feature works as intended
  • A bug with a known cause/source (usually triggered by a recent merge)
  • TypeFeature
    A new site improvement
  • TypeChore
    Something that needs to be done but doesn't fit into any other type label
  • Dead end: bug was reported but can't be reproduced
  • To be assigned to the closest appropriate sprint or epic
  • Generally for bugs or minor changes
  • A loss of functionality or outage that negatively affects a significant portion of users and requires urgent attention
  • StatusReview
    Awaiting peer review before being made live
  • Additional information or conversations are needed before progress can be made
  • Evaluate the issue and dictate the future of the workflow
  • Tasks that are ready for developers to take from
  • Used when a Superhero is made
  • Used when a Superhero has been accepted by a developer. The issue should also be assigned at this stage.
  • Used when a Superhero is resolved