"Buy Ether" button should show the same popup that is currently on the Buy Tokens page. But things need to be reconfigured because currently it requires inputs coming from parent components that are in the blockchain module.
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@omadrid took the initiative and added this upsell to buy eth.
I moved it to next sprint so we can have a discussion about it's validity and whether or not we want Michael to mock it up or have Olivia interpret the designs
@ottman is the link supposed to be pointing to something in the 'Minds Designs' project, or something else? I already have access to 'Minds Designs'...
I'm just getting this popup when I click that link:
The existing 'buy ETH' popup is a little bit tangled with configs on the tokens page (where it currently lives). It will be a bit of work to get it to show up in the context of the wallet. I can either:
a) For now, just redirect the user to the tokens page with the 'buy ETH' pop up popped (this is already implemented as a temporary fix) and wait until the sketch pad mockups are implemented and connect the new design then
b) Use more time to get the existing popup to work in the wallet context, with the understanding that this will be changing in the near future