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SST Beta 0.3 (a.k.a. Slightly Sour Taste)

It's finally here, praise the lord.

Unfortunately, the dodgy multiplayer autojump prediction isn't fixed
yet - that'll probably be in the next release, which will hopefully take
less insanely long than this release. It seems that the entire
development process for this beta was rabbit hole after rabbit hole,
with thousands of lines of diff in the end. But here we are, at last!

Stuff in this release, in no particular order:

* L4D2 mat_queue_mode is properly fixed, matching what later versions
  already do, so people can set this and forget it, like any reasonable

* L4D1 mat_monitorgamma is saved properly, so it doesn't have to be
  manually set through the menu every single launch. Like any reasonable

* The Intel-specific dark rendering issue in L4D2 is unilaterally fixed
  across all past and future Intel devices.

* fps_max can now be lowered in L4D games, although not raised above its
  standard limit.

* Very early L4D1 builds no longer flood the console with debug garbage
  every few seconds.

* The demo autorecord feature has been improved, and is now more robust
  and can even start recording prior to loading a map.

* Attempting to record a demo to a nonexistent directory will fail with
  an error instead of silently doing nothing.

* A few extra cvars are now written into demos, to make verification of
  runs just slightly easier.

* The plugin now supports Left 4 Dead: Survivors, for some reason. And
  autojump works, because sure why not.

* Added sst_l4d_testwarp which allows simulating idle warps to test wall
  clips and upwarps and stuff.

* Added m_rawinput to all games that don't already have it built in,
  making the external RInput program redundant.

* Added engine_no_focus_sleep to old games that don't have it, to allow
  streamers to keep their games from lagging when inactive, or to allow
  increasing the inactive CPU/GPU saving even more if desired.

* Portal 1 has fov_desired added in old versions that don't have it, and
  its range is extended to 75-120, in order to match the latest Steam
  builds per community demand. This was tested to work in both 3420 and

* Unloading and reloading the plugin works properly in old Source builds
  with buggy plugin handling, such as Portal build 3420. Unfortunately,
  it's impossible to stop the engine from screwing up if the plugin ever
  somehow fails to load, but that shouldn't happen often.

* The plugin can automatically create a VDF for itself to automatically
  load with the game (early enough that saved configuration continues to
  work). sst_autoload_enable will create the VDF, sst_autoload_disable
  will remove it.

* Despite all the new stuff, the new DLL is only about 30% of the size,
  for those who care about that. Also, there's less copyright licence
  text, at least for now.

* A number of internal bugs were fixed, none of which are likely to have
  affected anybody yet, but they're gone now nonetheless.

* The autojump "group" typo is FINALLY corrected to "ground."

Known issues:

* Aforementioned client-side autojump prediction not syncing quite right
  in certain multiplayer situations.

* Old L4D2 versions apparently reset fps_max on map transitions, so that
  will need a separate fix.