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Prioritized labels

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.
  • bug
    microwood / Open Space Shooter / Ground Troop Command
  • in progress
    microwood / Open Space Shooter / Ground Troop Command
  • Other labels

  • Priority::1 – Urgent
    microwood / Open Space Shooter / Ground Troop Command
    Means extremely urgent and requires immediate resolution
  • Priority::2 – High
    microwood / Open Space Shooter / Ground Troop Command
    Resolution requirement for next external release
  • Priority::3 – Medium
    microwood / Open Space Shooter / Ground Troop Command
    Resolution required for the first deployment (rather than all deployments)
  • Priority::4 - Low
    microwood / Open Space Shooter / Ground Troop Command
    Resolution desired for the first deployment or subsequent future releases
  • Severity::1 – Critical
    microwood / Open Space Shooter / Ground Troop Command
    This means the defect is a show stopper with high potential damages and has no workaround to avoid the defect. An example could be the application does not launch at all and causes the operating system to shut down. This requires immediate attention and action and fix.
  • Severity::2 – Serious
    microwood / Open Space Shooter / Ground Troop Command
    This means that some major functionalities of the applications are either missing or do not work and there is no workaround. Example, an image viewing application cannot read some common image formats.
  • Severity::3 – Normal
    microwood / Open Space Shooter / Ground Troop Command
    This means that some major functionality do not work, but, a workaround exists to be used as a temporary solution.
  • Severity::4 – Cosmetic / Enhancement
    microwood / Open Space Shooter / Ground Troop Command
    This means that the failure causes inconvenience and annoyance. Example can be that there is a pop-up message every 15 minutes, or you always have to click twice on a GUI button to perform the action.
  • Severity::5 – Suggestion
    microwood / Open Space Shooter / Ground Troop Command
    This is not normally a defect and a suggestion to improve a functionality. This can be GUI or viewing preferences.