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Proper (un)parse comparable data

Mehdi Bouaziz requested to merge mehdi@parse_comparable_data into proto-proposal

Unions and options in comparable types do not guarantee any more that ty_of_comparable_ty in parse_comparable_data takes a time in the order of the size of the parsed data. So now parsing a big set of a big option type composed only of Nones can take much longer than needed.

We don't want to carbonate ty_of_comparable_ty though as it make break existing contracts and would make parsing/unparsing such data very expensive for no reasons. Instead we copy the needed parts of parse_data.

The same applies for unparse_(comparable_)data.

Costs are basically unchanged (though they could probably be decreased for comparable data, but there is no need to for the time being).

Edited by Raphaël Cauderlier

Merge request reports
