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  • Geoff Lawler's avatar
    Experiment source is first class object. · 524daa24
    Geoff Lawler authored and Ryan Goodfellow's avatar Ryan Goodfellow committed
    Experiment source can now be pushed to an experiment along with
    the experiment XIR. The source is treated as an opaque string and
    is stored in the database along side the xir.
    When the experiment data is pulled, the source is provided
    as well as the xir.
    Note: the indentifier for the xir in the code was `src`. This
    has been changed to `xir` to make clear that it is xir and not
    anything else. The "source" is identified as `src`.
    The xir is still indexed by /xp/[hash]/model in the database
    though for backwards compatibility.
    NOTE: This is a API breaking change! Both the `XpPush` and
    `XpSource` structures in the Merge API now refer to the
    xir as `xir` (instead of `src`) and the optional source
    as `src`.