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  • Tommy Chen's avatar
    GENIO: panel: startek-kd070fhfid015: change enable gpio to be optional · 467d06df
    Tommy Chen authored
    On G510 EVK, the startek-kd070fhfid078 (abbreviated as kd-078) utilizes
    GPIO 111 as a gpio-regulator. However, on legacy G700 EVK, the
    startek-kd070fhfid015 (abbreviated as kd-015) uses GPIO pin 111 as an
    On the latest G700 EVK p1v4, kd-078 is used instead. In order to make
    the G700 EVK dts compatible with both kd-015 and kd-078, GPIO 111 is
    modified to be a gpio-regulator. It now acts as the iovcc regulator for
    kd-015, which causes the kd-015 probe to fail as it can not find
    enable-gpio during the probe process.
    As a result, the enable-gpio in the kd-015 driver is made optional.
    The G350 EVK still use this enable-gpio pin.
    Change-Id: I197fd74309f5cb1c54e951a40aed7ec4657ad537
    Signed-off-by: default avatarTommy Chen <>
    GENIO: panel: startek-kd070fhfid015: change enable gpio to be optional
    Tommy Chen authored
    On G510 EVK, the startek-kd070fhfid078 (abbreviated as kd-078) utilizes
    GPIO 111 as a gpio-regulator. However, on legacy G700 EVK, the
    startek-kd070fhfid015 (abbreviated as kd-015) uses GPIO pin 111 as an
    On the latest G700 EVK p1v4, kd-078 is used instead. In order to make
    the G700 EVK dts compatible with both kd-015 and kd-078, GPIO 111 is
    modified to be a gpio-regulator. It now acts as the iovcc regulator for
    kd-015, which causes the kd-015 probe to fail as it can not find
    enable-gpio during the probe process.
    As a result, the enable-gpio in the kd-015 driver is made optional.
    The G350 EVK still use this enable-gpio pin.
    Change-Id: I197fd74309f5cb1c54e951a40aed7ec4657ad537
    Signed-off-by: default avatarTommy Chen <>