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Upgrade to Debian 10

Mikael Davranche requested to merge 28-upgrade-to-debian-10 into master

Related issue

Relates to #28 (closed)

How the "Upgrade Debian from 9 to 10" commit had been done?

Packaged software (Postfix, Apache HTTPd...) comes with default configuration. Has we have specific needs, we override some parts of this configuration. To do so, we ask Puppet to rewrite the whole configuration files. Each of them contains:

  • Some default configurations
  • Some overridden configurations

As we're moving from a major Debian version to another one, the underlying software (Postfix, Apache HTTPd...) should also move from a major version to another one. Most of time, the default configurations of those software change too.

So, what this commit does is backporting the Debian 10 default configurations to our one, based on Debian 9.

For example, look at the history of the file. The first commit is the default file, provided by the package. Then, a few commits change some configurations. What we have to do here, it to take the default Debian 10 file, and re-apply the commits that changed some configurations. So the diff in that you can see in this merge requests are the same diff from the default Debian 9 and the default Debian 10 one.

You'll see that there are lots of diff. Most of them are not significant (comments changed...). Let's focus on the differences on Postfix, as that's the most important software, after

  • You can see lots of differences here, but they had been flooded with the default chroot option that changed from yes to no (but nothing really changed: everything had been overloaded from default (-) to yes). The only difference is the following:
postlog   unix-dgram n  -       n       -       1       postlogd

  • [compatibility_level]( was 0, it is now 2.
  • [inet_protocols]( didn’t change (still all), but is now explicit.

Versions changed

Postfix: 3.1.15 to 3.4.14 Apache: 2.4.25 to 2.4.38 PHP: 7.0.33 to 7.3.29

Non regression tests

The preproduction had been reinstalled from scratch, validating

Then, the web interface had been tested: registration, email validation, login...

Traviata version c3832cd6 passed using the following parameters:

./ --configfile ~/pCloudDrive/traviata.conf --alice YahooMail --alicewait 60 --bob GMail

Following the emails transfered using Traviata, the web interface had been tested again (tables, fields, disable an address...)

Finally, the backups had also been tested.

Merge request reports