ChapLanguage 'eng' not written if other ChapLanguage elements are present
Yes Mosu, I know that 'eng' is the default language of the ChapLanguage element and will not be written.
But I use for a ChapterDisplay multiple ChapLanguage elements because the chapter name is the same in different languages.
This test xml has one chapter, the chapter name is "Test" and two languages "ger" and "eng".
When I mux this chapter xml to an mkv the language "eng" is not written. But how should a player know that there is another language besides "ger"? While the player parse the mkv it finds a language and finished, and there is no reason to create another ChapLanguage element with the default value.
It seems to me this is a next issue on EBML (not)writing default values of elements that can be multiple.
The ChapLanguage element with a value of "eng" should be omit only if no other ChapLanguage element is present.
To reproduce this issue mux the sample xml to an mkv.