Mayan docker container does not successful start when external provisioned storage is used.
I've configured the mayan-edms docker image (mayanedms/mayanedms:latest) to run on my kubernetes cluster. It's connected to a PostgreSQL server as described in the documentation.
Docker and kubernetes say the container is healthy, but I can't connect to port 80.
Also the log stops at Copying '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mayan/apps/appearance/static/appearance/package.json'
Complete log :
mayan: starting
mayan: os_package_installs()
mayan: pip_installs()
mayan: initialize()
Operations to perform:
Apply all migrations: acls, actstream, admin, auth, authtoken, autoadmin, cabinets, checkouts, common, contenttypes, converter, django_gpg, djcelery, document_comments, document_indexing, document_parsing, document_signatures, document_states, documents, dynamic_search, events, linking, lock_manager, mailer, mayan_statistics, metadata, motd, ocr, permissions, sessions, sites, sources, tags
Running migrations:
No migrations to apply.
Your models have changes that are not yet reflected in a migration, and so won't be applied.
Run ' makemigrations' to make new migrations, and then re-run ' migrate' to apply them.
Installing JavaScript packages for app: appearance - /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mayan/apps/appearance/static/appearance
Installing package: jquery=3.3.1
Best version: 3.3.1
Installing package: jquery-match-height=0.7.2
Best version: 0.7.2
Installing package: bootstrap=3.3.7
Best version: 3.3.7
Installing package: bootswatch=3.3.7
Best version: 3.3.7
Installing package: urijs=1.19.1
Best version: 1.19.1
Installing package: jquery-lazyload=1.9.3
Best version: 1.9.3
Installing package: toastr=2.1.4
Best version: 2.1.4
Installing package: select2=4.0.3
Best version: 4.0.3
Installing package: jquery-form=4.2.2
Best version: 4.2.2
Installing JavaScript packages for app: mayan_statistics - /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mayan/apps/mayan_statistics/static/statistics
Installing package: chart.js=2.7.2
Best version: 2.7.2
Installing JavaScript packages for app: sources - /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mayan/apps/sources/static/sources
Installing package: dropzone=5.4.0
Best version: 5.4.0
autoadmin.models <8> [ERROR] "create_autoadmin() line 62 Super admin user already exists. -- login: admin"
Deleting 'appearance/package.json'
Copying '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mayan/apps/appearance/static/appearance/package.json'
How can I narrow down the problem? Thanks!
I Figured out that the container is not starting when I use provisioned storage (NFS) mounted at /var/lib/mayan
When I use local storage I don't experience this problem.
@rosarior Any idea what can cause this issue and how I can troubleshoot this?
I guess that it goes wrong within the initialize()
(line 25