Hiya π ! I'm Mattias Axell
I'm a passionate project leader, designer, business developer and process leader.
π Iβm currently working on EntryScape -
π± Iβm currently learning Python, Hugo, JavaScript -
π― Iβm looking to collaborate on Alaveteli open source software -
π€ Iβm looking for help with Handlingar.se -
π¨βπ» All of my projects are available at https://mattiasaxell.com -
π I regularly write articles on https://mattiasaxell.com/en/#news -
π¬ Ask me about datasharing, metadata, open data, private data sharing, privacy -
π« How to reach me hi@mattiasaxell.com -
π Know about my experiences https://mattiasaxell.com/experiences -
β‘ Fun fact Naming one would be very subjective, if you know my humour! ;)
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Pronounced as: /ΛmΙtΛiΙs/
Pronouns: he/him
Mastodon: https://mastodon.acc.sunet.se/@mattiasaxell
Educator and Strategic Advisor at MetaSolutions AB
Stockholm, Sweden
6:34 AM
Member since March 15, 2017