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New features:
- Migrated project to net 6.0
- New weight balance chart (Chart.js), shows CG and weight limits based on the results in the weight balance table
- Adding a new cookie consent modal (replaces the consent alert)
- Organization support. Access organization specific data (for example weight and balance), by using the url [org]
- Rejection of certain user agents (python scripts, etc)
- New security headers in HTTP response (Strict-Transport-Security, Permissions-Policy, Feature-Policy, X-Content-Type-Options, X-Frame-Options, X-XXS-Protection)

- Complete restructure of project directories
- Updated learn more cookie link to ''
- Move no cache logic to response filter
- Improved weight and balance input user experience
- Updated table styles
- Updated

- Fix top padding for print version of page
- Fix last table header missing in print version of index page
- Fix NOTAM alignment bug on mobile devices
- Remove excessive icao code at the start of METAR/TAF report lines
- Prevent automatic zoom on input focus on mobile devices