Combine maintainers from other community forks and add access
There are a few community forks and power users that we could combine here if you agree (otherwise sorry for the spam). People power ;) I'm collecting some teams that I think could have access or just to build a large commnunity to collaborate:
freedesktop/Collabora: @okias, @benjamb ...? -
GNOME: @alatiera, ...? -
hiboxsystems: @perlun, @slovdahl? -
GreyRook: @f-ludwig -
der Freitag: @gforcada -
python-gitlab: @nejc, @JohnVillalovos
Please feel free to add more users from your orgs, remove yourself, add other forks you are aware of, etc.. :)
As @okias already suggested, it would be good to offer the original authors to also own this. But it really seems like they no longer work for smarkets and there's no sense of ownership. We could try to find someone responsible if they respond to us.
Edited by Nejc Habjan