Set up UNICORE integration test
Problem to solve
We do not have a good quality management
, we want to have an integration test environment with Unicore and Slurm
Further details
See the GitHub repo for the UNICORE+Slurm Docker image from the UNICORE development team.
Clone the repo -
Build the image -
Run the image -
Test if the mantikflow example project ( examples/test-project/
) works with the image -
Write a CI job that -
spins up the container -
executes the example project
Alternative to building an running may be (cited from an email by Jens Henrik Goebbert):
docker run -p 8080:8080 -ti --rm
Dann hat man ein UNICORE (incl. Workflow-Service) mit einem one-node Slurm auf https://localhost:8080/DEMO-SITE am laufen.
If started as above, the container can e.g. be used as
curl --user "demouser:test123" -H "Accept: application/json" -k https://localhost:8080/DEMO-SITE/rest/core
What does success look like, and how can we measure that?
A CI job exists that executes the example project
Edited by Markus Abel