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  • bwarsaw's avatar
    Merge exp-elixir-branch to trunk. There is enough working to make me feel · b18f632f
    bwarsaw authored
    confident the Elixir branch is ready to become mainline.  Also, fewer branches
    makes for an easier migration to a dvcs.
    Don't expect much of the old test suite to work, or even for much of the old
    functionality to work.  The changes here are disruptive enough to break higher
    level parts of Mailman.  But that's okay because I am slowly building up a new
    and improved test suite, which will lead to a functional system again.
    For now, only the doctests in Mailman/docs (and their related test harnesses)
    will pass, but they all do pass.  Note that Mailman/docs serve as system
    documentation first and unit tests second.  You should be able to read the
    doctest files to understand the underlying data model.
    Other changes included in this merge:
    - Added the Mailman.ext extension package.
    - zope.interfaces uses to describe major components
    - SQLAlchemy/Elixir used as the database model
    - Top level doinstall target renamed to justinstall
    - 3rd-party packages are now installed in pythonlib/lib/python to be more
      compliant with distutils standards.  This allows us to use just --home
      instead of all the --install-* options.
    - No longer need to include the email package or pysqlite, as Python 2.5 is
      required (and comes with both packages).
    - munepy package is included, for Python enums
    - IRosterSets are added as a way to manage a collection of IRosters.  Roster
      sets are named so that we can maintain the indirection between mailing lists
      and rosters, where the two are maintained in different storages.
    - IMailingListRosters: remove_*_roster() -> delete_*_roster()
    - Remove IMember interface.
    - Utils.list_names() -> config.list_manager.names
    - fqdn_listname() takes an optional hostname argument.
    - Added a bunch of new exceptions used throughout the new interfaces.
    - Make LockFile a context manager for use with the 'with' statement.