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XeTeX: accept PDF version 1.7 without warnings

Michael Käppler requested to merge dev/mk/xetexpdfversion into master

At least for my combination of XeTeX (TexLive 2017, 3.14159265-2.6-0.99998) and GS (9.26), xdvipdfmx outputs a bunch of error messages during PDF compiling:

xdvipdfmx:warning: Version of PDF file (1.7) is newer than version limit specification.
xdvipdfmx:warning: pdf_open: Not a PDF 1.[1-5] file.                            
xdvipdfmx:warning: Trying to include PDF file which has newer version number than output PDF: 1.5.

This clutters up the logs and makes it harder to spot potential errors.

michael] ~]> wc -l notation.texi2pdf.log.old
11200 notation.texi2pdf.log.old
michael] ~]> wc -l

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