LeftEdge no longer takes up space
Originally created by: k-ohara5...@oco.net
Originally owned by: k-ohara5...@oco.net
From <http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-lilypond/2013-12/msg00139.html>
\score { << {
c'2 c'2 | \break
c'2 c'2 | \break
} \addlyrics {
\once\override LyricText #'extra-spacing-width = #'(-8 . 0)
aaaaaa bb
\once\override LyricText #'extra-spacing-width = #'(-8 . 0)
ccccccccc dd } >>
\layout {
indent = 0
ragged-right = ##t
\context { \Score
\remove "Bar_number_engraver"
\override LeftEdge #'extra-spacing-height = #'(-inf.0 . +inf.0)
%workaround% \override LeftEdge #'Y-extent = #'(0 . 0)
} } }
used to push the lyrics after the overrides 8 spaces right of the LeftEdge, so the starts of the words would lie along a vertical line on the page.
At some point in the 2.17.x series the commented additional override became required.
For some reason, Bar_number_engraver must be removed for the technique to work, in any version. If modify the technique to give the extra-spacing-height to Clef, rather than LeftEdge, it works with bar-numbers present.
Original URL: https://sourceforge.net/p/testlilyissues/issues/3761