Libvirt's validation process fails when mpx is not supported, even though it's not a requirement.
Software environment
- Operating system:
- Architecture:
- kernel version:
- libvirt version:
- Hypervisor and version:
Description of problem
Libvirt's validation process fails when mpx is not supported, even though it's not a requirement(mpx is disabled by default even if it is present on the node).
Steps to reproduce
- Create a vm on a node without
with one of the following CPU Models: "Cascadelake-Server-noTSX","Cascadelake-Server","Icelake-Client-noTSX","Icelake-Client","Icelake-Server-noTSX","Icelake-Server","Skylake-Client-IBRS","Skylake-Client-noTSX-IBRS","Skylake-Client","Skylake-Server-IBRS":,"Skylake-Server-noTSX-IBRS" or "Skylake-Server".
The vm won't start unless i set check attribute to none to bypass validation, but this approach is not safe for Kubevirt.
getting the following error:
"LibvirtError(Code=91, Domain=31, Message='the CPU is incompatible with host CPU: Host CPU does not provide required features: mpx')"
Additional information
Edited by Barak Mordehai