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  • Su Laus's avatar
    Revised handling of TIFFTAG_INKNAMES and related TIFFTAG_NUMBEROFINKS value · f00484b9
    Su Laus authored
    In order to solve the buffer overflow issues related to TIFFTAG_INKNAMES and related TIFFTAG_NUMBEROFINKS value, a revised handling of those tags within LibTiff is proposed:
    Behaviour for writing:
        `NumberOfInks`  MUST fit to the number of inks in the `InkNames` string.
        `NumberOfInks` is automatically set when `InkNames` is set.
        If `NumberOfInks` is different to the number of inks within `InkNames` string, that will be corrected and a warning is issued.
        If `NumberOfInks` is not equal to samplesperpixel only a warning will be issued.
    Behaviour for reading:
        When reading `InkNames` from a TIFF file, the `NumberOfInks` will be set automatically to the number of inks in `InkNames` string.
        If `NumberOfInks` is different to the number of inks within `InkNames` string, that will be corrected and a warning is issued.
        If  `NumberOfInks` is not equal to samplesperpixel only a warning will be issued.
    This allows the safe use of the NumberOfInks value to read out the InkNames without buffer overflow
    This MR will close the following issues:  #149, #150, #152, #168 (to be checked), #250, #269, #398 and #456.
    It also fixes the old bug at, for which the limitation of `NumberOfInks = SPP` was introduced, which is in my opinion not necessary and does not solve the general issue.