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Add AnomalyDetectorParameters Class

Add AnomalyDetectorParameters Class For future anomaly detector configurator

Currently we have configurator for cross correlation in polaris learn ( see configurator class and parameters class ) but we don't have anything like this for anomaly detector.

So I am making configurator for anomaly detector (taking configurator of cross_correlation_configurator as the base code)

I have added class for storing parameters and added most of the properties that I saw will be usefull to store in configurator. Any more suggestions of removing or adding new properties are most welcome to discuss here.

Here is the summarized work in this MR

  • Add class for storing parameters for configurator of anomaly detector
  • Add most of the properties to be used in the configurator

Signed-off-by: Ayush Bansal

Edited by Ayush Bansal

Merge request reports