Develop a blog theme for LibreHealth (Advanced)
Task Instructions
Getting started
- First install hugo
- Review the documentation on how themes work here and the documentation on creating themes here.
- We currently do not have a blog repository yet but would like to have one.
Your task here is to create a theme for the soon to exist, blog. We wish to use hugo for that. This will be hosted on gitlab pages.
What to Submit
- Your code in a gitlab or github repository, we prefer gitlab very strongly.
- You must have a demo running on github pages/gitlab pages for us to test.
How to get help
If you need help, be sure to post your question to our forums or ask in our chatroom for Google Code-In.
This must be original work and must be in your own words. Any assets you use must be [Creative Commons]( and attributed(give credit to the original author) accordingly, or be your own original work.
In a separate document, please include your attributions, which can be obtained using the search tool for Creative Commons mentioned prior.
Edited by Robby O'Connor