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Save radiology reports as complex obs

Ivange Larry requested to merge ivange94/lh-radiology:gsoc2017 into master

Save radiology report as complex obs. To test from the UI you need at least one complex concept in your system. This is should normally be added via a concept dictionary like the CIEL dictionary but for development and test purposes you can just create the concept yourself. The type should be complex and handler TextHandler and save. Now copy the UUID of the newly created concept and got to Settings/Radiology/Complex Concept and enter the UUID. Then you can proceed with your reporting. After you've saved your report to see the file go to /Administration/Manage observations and search for the newly created observation by patient name and you'll see your report file.

The above changes causes two tests to fail despite the fact that it works when I test it from the UI. I ignored the tests but will come back to them later.

Another commit turns of validation of templates on import.

Merge request reports