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- Keybinds: F7 toggles caret browsing
- Keybinds: F12 to open Web Inspector
- Installation: badwolf.desktop file
- Sandboxing (added in WebKitGTK 2.26.x) is set to enabled by default
- WebKitWebExtensions directory is now set into XDG_DATA_HOME (see badwolf(1)
for the actual path)

- Configuration: Disable caret browsing by default
- Version now includes the git hash when possible (done via ./
- Building: keybindings now have their own file and linking has it's own step
- Javascript toggle now controls "enable-javascript-markup" to not break WebKit
- API: accept multiple URLs as argument of "badwolf", each in a independent tab

- Prevent the statusbar label from resizing the window
- Javascript checkbox is now properly initialised with the default settings
- Translation: remove "title|" in default language