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  • Matt Ward's avatar
    [Core] Continue on errors when resolving assembly references · 4d02ec5e
    Matt Ward authored
    If a PackageReference could not be resolved then no assembly
    references would be given to the type system from the DotNetProject's
    GetReferencedAssemblies. Whilst the NuGet restore may fail the
    project.assets.json file is created and reference information is
    available. The ResolvePackageAssets target was failing which then
    stopped the ResolveAssemblyReferencesDesignTime target from being run.
    Visual Studio on Windows avoids this problem by setting the
    ContinueOnError property to ErrorAndContinue. This allows all the
    targets to run even if some of them fail. It also allows references
    to be returned and provided to the type system service for the
    PackageReferences that can be determined.
    Fixes VSTS #998324 - NuGet Package Restore causes BCLs to not be