Upon launching the "Cleanup Tracks and Vias" dialog, all the zones are refilled.
I think it should be kept as another option in the dialog to perform before using this tool.
KiCad Version
Application: KiCad PCB Editor (64-bit)Version: (6.0.0-rc2-14-ga17a58203b), release buildLibraries: wxWidgets 3.1.5 libcurl/7.78.0-DEV Schannel zlib/1.2.11Platform: Windows 10 (build 19044), 64-bit edition, 64 bit, Little endian, wxMSWBuild Info: Date: Dec 18 2021 20:59:09 wxWidgets: 3.1.5 (wchar_t,wx containers) Boost: 1.76.0 OCC: 7.5.0 Curl: 7.78.0-DEV ngspice: 35 Compiler: Visual C++ 1929 without C++ ABIBuild settings: KICAD_USE_OCC=ON KICAD_SPICE=ON
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The '' indication in the title bar (that something was changed) was appeared after opening this dialog so I assumed it refills the zones.
If it only verifies - need to remove the ''
I only get the * in the title bar if I click "Refill" when the warning comes up:
Are you saying you get the * even when you click "Continue without Refill", or just that you'd rather have a checkbox to say "always refill before cleaning" so that you don't have to see the warning?
Unfortunately, I can't share the project.
However, I managed to take a screenshot:
I suspect that in the past I checked the "Don't ask me next time" in the dialog, you showed above...
Is there an option to reset this selection to verify it?
In fact I am thinking the board is set as "modified" after the zone verification is done and when no change is detected (i.e. when the dialog "Refill" is not shown)
Any board shows that (for instance the demo "Video")
I tried this on a random board but it hung on open, so I spent 1/2 an hour trying to debug what was happening, but it seemed to be getting a bit further each time so I finally let it go for 5 minutes.
I see it on my machine with the KiCad video demo. As soon as the checking zones dialog exits, the modified indicator is shown the title bar. Cancelling the clean up dialog and closing the board editor results in a unsaved changes dialog which would suggest the zone checking is doing more than just checking the zones.
The only BOARD_COMMIT::Push() in CheckAllZones() is if you clicked "Refill" in the dialog. (Or had "don't ask me again" checked from a previous "Refill".)
Did you click that (in which case it's correct to get the *), or am I missing something?
I can see the zone checking removing copper islands so maybe it's configuration related.
The zone checker does a real fill but then reverts the commit (instead of pushing it) if the user says "no, go on with existing fills". OnModify() gets called when pushing the commit, so shouldn't happen in that case.