Autosave not working in latest nightly
Maybe I'm missing something, but after crashes due to issue #9994 (closed) I found that up to the latest nightlies Kicad doesn't seem to be creating any autosaves anymore.
There is no _autosave-Files in the project folder and clicking e.g. Rescue in the menu of pcbnew only brings up an error message that no _autosave file exists:
The menu settings were at default before and I tested changing them:
To no avail, there is still no _autosave-files after doing changes to the schematic and/or routing.
KiCad Version
Application: KiCad PCB Editor (64-bit)
Version: (6.0.0-rc1-493-g2ecd5ac909), release build
wxWidgets 3.1.5
Platform: Windows 10 (build 19044), 64-bit edition, 64 bit, Little endian, wxMSW
wxWidgets: 3.1.5 (wchar_t,wx containers)
Boost: 1.76.0
OCC: 7.5.0
Curl: 7.78.0-DEV
ngspice: 35
Compiler: Visual C++ 1929 without C++ ABI
Build settings: