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  • Kevin C. Krinke's avatar
    dscanner - Drozer based post-build dynamic vulnerability scanner command · 97c0f232
    Kevin C. Krinke authored
     * New command `dscanner`, enables one to scan signed APKs with Drozer
     * Drozer is a dynamic vulnerability scanner for Android
     * Drozer runs in a emulator or on-device, this new `dscanner` command...
      * starts a docker image with Drozer and the Android Emulator pre-installed,
      * loads the signed APK into the emulator
      * activates Drozer automated tests for the APK
      * gathers the report output and places it next to the original APK
     * The Drozer docker image can be:
      * cached locally for re-use (just don't run --clean*)
      * retrieved from for more efficient runtime
      * or be built from scratch (in the new "./docker" directory)
     * New "Vulnerability Scanning" documentation section (run