ZSH Better support for virtual environments
The ZSH terminal doesn't look very good with a python virtual environment. It would be great if better support could be added for virtual environments. Currently, when you activate a venv, the terminal kind of looks broken. The screenshot below shows how to reproduce it, and what it looks like.
Steps to Reproduce:
- If you don't have "python3-venv" installed, run "sudo apt install python3-venv"
- Create a venv: "python3 -m venv venv"
- Activate the venv: "source ./venv/bin/activate"
- Notice that the terminal looks kinda broken like in the screenshot. Longer venv names would look even worse.
I've already started implementing it in the kali zsh theme. Below are a few different options that I've been playing around with. Note that the default prompt will not change. The change is only visible when a virtual environment is activated.
I personally like Option 1 (bold), however I'd like to get some other peoples' opinions on this before raising the PR. Let me know which option you like. I'm also open to other suggestions if anybody has a different idea.