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2012.08.07, Version 0.8.6 (Stable)

* npm: Upgrade to v1.1.48

* Add 'make binary' to build binary tarballs for all Unixes (Nathan Rajlich)

* zlib: Emit 'close' on destroy(). (Dominic Tarr)

* child_process: Fix stdout=null when stdio=['pipe'] (Tyler Neylon)

* installer: prevent ETXTBSY errors (Ben Noordhuis)

* installer: honor --without-npm, default install path (Ben Noordhuis)

* net: make pause work with connecting sockets (Bert Belder)

* installer: fix cross-compile installs (Ben Noordhuis)

* net: fix .listen({fd:0}) (Ben Noordhuis)

* windows: map WSANO_DATA to UV_ENOENT (Bert Belder)