#+TITLE: ERC-Edge Update *2023*: this repo is no longer maintained as an Emacs package. It exists solely as a visual aide for tracking the progress of various WIP patch sets and, for now, serves as a temporary home for some integrations tests. Please see [[https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=49860][bug#49860]] for details. The information that follows is outdated. This wiki only lives here for historical reasons. The repo has become a mirror of ERC from emacs.git as a standalone ELPA package with some WIP patches applied. The older stuff is still available in the VC history [fn:1]. Unless you've been asked to try this version to help with debugging an issue, please avoid doing so. It changes rapidly, is unstable, and the code quality is "experimental" at best. * Installation On Emacs 27, you must install the package somehow or otherwise ensure that a suitable version of Compat from GNU ELPA is present. To uninstall, find and remove a directory resembling =erc-49860- from your ~package-user-dir~. The easiest way to do this is from a package-menu help buffer for a particular package. ** Patch and build (preferred) Master (emacs.git) only. Download the [[https://emacs-erc.gitlab.io/bugs/49860/patches.tar.gz][latest]] patch set and proceed as you normally would. ** Package.el This is the native package-management solution shipped with Emacs. *** Remote #+BEGIN_SRC elisp :results silent (require 'package) (push '("emacs-erc" . "https://emacs-erc.gitlab.io/bugs/archive/") package-archives) #+END_SRC Then =M-x list-packages RET=, and find the bottom-most entry for this bug, which should look something like =erc-49860 available An Emacs Internet Relay Chat ...=. Hit =[Install]= in the popup. *** Local (not recommended) 1. Clone [[https://gitlab.com/emacs-erc/edge][this repo]] =/tmp/somewhere= 2. Install via =M-x package-install-file RET /tmp/somewhere RET= ** Straight.el #+BEGIN_SRC elisp :results silent (straight-use-package '(erc :host gitlab :repo "emacs-erc/edge")) #+END_SRC ** Doom Add this or similar to =~/.doom.d/packages.el= #+BEGIN_SRC elisp :results silent (package! erc :recipe (:host gitlab :repo "emacs-erc/edge")) #+END_SRC Then =M-x doom/reload=. * Usage The v3 module isn't loaded by default, so you *must* do: #+BEGIN_SRC elisp :results silent (require 'erc) (push 'v3 erc-modules) #+END_SRC Or add =v3= to =erc-modules= using the customize interface. Then, connect as you normally would. If you need SASL, see the commentary in =erc-v3-sasl.el= and/or these [[https://gitlab.com/emacs-erc/erc-edge/-/wikis/SASL-example][examples]]. ** Example #+BEGIN_SRC elisp :results silent ;; Optionally, add this demo module showing some v3 features (if available) (push 'eldoc erc-modules) (erc-toggle-debug-irc-protocol) (erc-tls :server "testnet.inspircd.org" :port 6697 :nick "me" :user "me" :full-name "Me") #+END_SRC * Footnotes [fn:1] =bdaeca60e77ad81b31fe53c2d595b679f118d0e0= "Change channel name for live SOCKS CI test"