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    magic-eight-ball Repository

    The magic-eight-ball repository is a very simple RESTful API written in the Go Programming Language and using the Gin Web Framework. The goal is to provide a URI which contains all 20 of the original Magic 8-ball answers, plus a second URI will provide a random answer - to mimic the functionality of the original toy manufactured by Mattel.


    This repository is related to the following publications:

    To read more of my publications, please review one of the following URLs:

    Starting the magic-eight-ball Repository

    With the Go programming language installed, simply use the following command to start the simply RESTful API:

    go run .

    The service should start, providing information similar to what is displayed below:

                                    d8b                .d8888b.         888               888 888
                                    Y8P               d88P  Y88b        888               888 888
                                                      Y88b. d88P        888               888 888
    88888b.d88b.   8888b.   .d88b.  888  .d8888b       "Y88888"         88888b.   8888b.  888 888
    888 "888 "88b     "88b d88P"88b 888 d88P"         .d8P""Y8b.        888 "88b     "88b 888 888
    888  888  888 .d888888 888  888 888 888           888    888 888888 888  888 .d888888 888 888
    888  888  888 888  888 Y88b 888 888 Y88b.         Y88b  d88P        888 d88P 888  888 888 888
    888  888  888 "Y888888  "Y88888 888  "Y8888P       "Y8888P"         88888P"  "Y888888 888 888
                           Y8b d88P
    GoVersion: go1.17.6
    GOOS: darwin
    GOARCH: amd64
    NumCPU: 16
    GOPATH: /Users/john.vester/go
    GOROOT: /usr/local/go
    Compiler: gc
    ENV: /Users/john.vester/go
    Now: Monday, 17 Jan 2022
    [GIN-debug] [WARNING] Creating an Engine instance with the Logger and Recovery middleware already attached.
    [GIN-debug] [WARNING] Running in "debug" mode. Switch to "release" mode in production.
     - using env:   export GIN_MODE=release
     - using code:  gin.SetMode(gin.ReleaseMode)
    [GIN-debug] GET    /answers                  --> main.getAllAnswers (3 handlers)
    [GIN-debug] GET    /answer                   --> main.getRandomAnswer (3 handlers)

    Using the magic-eight-ball Repository

    Simply perform GET requests to the following URIs:

    • /answers - provides a list of all 20 original Magic 8-ball answers
    • /answer - returns a random answer from the 20 original Magic 8-ball options

    For example, the following request:

    curl http://localhost:8080/answer

    Could return the following response:

        "id": 5,
        "response": "You may rely on it."

    Additional Information

    Made with ♥️  by, because I enjoy writing code.