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  • Jules Gagnon-Marchand's avatar
    Description of the project: · 9518bd77
    Jules Gagnon-Marchand authored
    The objective is to test a reasonably large language model
    (GPT2-XL, 1.5B parameters) on the Kilt(
    version of the ELI5( task when
    combined with a retriever (REALM ( in this case).
    The objective is to observe whether larger causal language models can make use of the
    retrieved reference data, as their reasoning capacities are stronger than that
    previously tested models.
    Inspecting what kinds of retrievals are useful and why would be a next step, as
    well as investigating the effects of the retrieval on factual consistency in
    generation, which is a problem of major interest right now.
    PiperOrigin-RevId: 347074648