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Vue modal

Jason Robinson requested to merge christophehenry:vue-modal into master

Created by: christophehenry

Adding a modal system on top of #193. Will be useful in a near future. There may be a simpler method, but I'm still learning Vue. Will refactor if I find it can be simplified later.

  • My awesome modal
  • I can has tests?

An example of usage:

<!-- This is how you define your modal template -->
        <!-- The element with attribute `slot="title"` will be your title -->
        <div slot="title">
            <h1>This is a modal</h1>
            <p>With a complex title</p>
            <p>If there's no title element, only the close button is rendred</p>

            Anything that comes inside your modal with not `slot="title"` 
            or `slot="footer"` attribute will be your content
            <p>Here lies the body content of the modal</p>

             And, obviously, the element with attribute `slot="footer"`
             will be your footer
        <div slot="footer">
            <p>There even may be a footer...</p>
            <p>But may be not, up to you</p>

    You can add whatever methods you please.
    If you define a modal with a complex form inside, 
    for instance, your logic comes here
    import Vue from "vue"
    import "../../../shared/components/Modal.vue"

    export default Vue.component("test-modal", {})

Then, in the component that wants to show the modal:

import {modalView} from "../main"
import TestModal from "./TestModal.vue"

    // Here's how you display the modal

And the result:

screen shot 2017-08-06 at 10 51 32

Merge request reports