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  • Jamie Tanna's avatar
    Add a `kind` hint to MF2 content · 30185c1f
    Jamie Tanna authored
    To make it easier to render the correct content type, as well as have
    links such as i.e. /kind/replies/, we want to have the `kind` taxonomy
    set up for our content.
    This makes it possible to strip some painful duplication that was
    introduced as part of #572, while also making it an easier experience
    for determining what content type an MF2 entry is.
    As part of this, we're also wanting to pluralise the content type, as it
    makes the URLs more readable in line with what the content structure has
    them named as.
    Note that we still need to specify the existing taxonomies we have,
    otherwise they won't render!
    We also need to ad the `kind` hint to any existing content, so it'll
    render properly.
    Closes #689.