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  • Jamie Tanna's avatar
    Render sent webmentions · 6fb5bb1e
    Jamie Tanna authored
    From the commit to the theme:
    	Now I've connected and am starting to get more
    	interactions with Webmentions, I need to start displaying these
    	Webmentions for site viewers to see.
    	For likes, we should render a facepile[0] because it doesn't
    	matter as much how they've liked, just that they have.
    	However for other webmentions, we do want to have a list of the
    	author and a link to the webmention.
    	For each of the webmentions, we want a separate partial that can
    	be composed easily.
    	Additionally, we can the partial's context to render a slice of
    Additionally, we want to pull a default of 100 webmentions per page, as
    that should pick up plenty - at time of writing, the most webmentions
    for a post is 34!
    Closes #352.