SCaLE 16x - Inkscape Booth
Just a heads up to @All, I am going to be presenting at SCaLE (link) in a few weeks along with @ted.gould (link). The organizers have generously offered for us to have a booth, which we have accepted.
We have been in contact with Pat David and Mica Semrick who work on the GIMP project and have decided to have a shared booth. They will be taking portraits for people. I'll be capturing video for a video project about Inkscape, why it is so cool, and how to get involved. I'll be attending the Hackfest to gather the rest of the content for this and other potential videos. @ScislaC and Jon Cruz have offered to help with the booth too.
This should be pretty cool, and we need to start doing promotion soon. We have a 50% discount code (INK50). If anyone else is going to be there, please let me know. We have a limited number of free tickets, and we could use more help at the booth on Friday.
I've got some things to do yet to get this published and organized otherwise, but I'll post more about it here.