Vectors Meeting - June 2021
- Introductions
- Does anyone have to leave early / do we have to prioritize a topic because the persons needed to discuss it need to leave?
- Social media stats review ( @SoniaB , @t1mj0nes , @Moini, @nickmaleki , @Lazur , @doctormo, @diebasis72 , @CRogers ) - please append screenshots to this report, all in a comment thread - done
- Forum Status report
- Social media sharing strategy progress ( @zigzagmlt ) - no progress yet
- Status of challenges ( @z3z @diebasis72 @SoniaB @t1mj0nes ) - currently, people seem busy, challenges are coming with a slower cadence
- Libre Graphics Meeting is over, any lessons to share / any videos to promote yet? - Videos promoted via social media
- Date for About Screen postmortem? Martin and Tim should be available to attend on that date - Tim wasn't there.
- 1.1 Release post mortem - postponed
- Any news on Contributor definition / Charter Update? - people have been talking about it somewhere
- Reminder to keep Vectors Access List up-to-date (everyone, when they have permission. See
- Budget introduction
- macOS Developer search (See #211 (closed)) - article is published
- Now that the release is out, what shall we tackle next? - ?
Conversations can continue after the hour... (If participants have time.)
Note: In order to make the meeting accessible to people with tight schedules we're working to keep it to 60 minutes. If an item above requires more than the limited time allotted, discussions may continue after the meeting, next month, or at separately scheduled times. All of these are important issues that warrant attention. Thanks for your patience with the effort to accommodate everyone.
The meeting is going to take place On June 5 in the Vectors' channel at or in the BBB instance (link will be announced in Vectors channel if that is used).
Time and calendar:*inkscape-vectors/calendar/
Start time 3pm UTC (GMT)
Action items (leftovers from last time + new to be added)
Propose Social media sharing strategy ( @zigzagmlt ) -
Look at proposing items to be funded for Vectors Team / project -> See below. -
Review upcoming events - Inkscape - Gimpscape meetup June 30 -
Articles in the queue: Bryce, GSoC, Outreachy ( @zigzagmlt ) -
Article for SFC's blog
New Action Items
@ryangorley Present Hootsuite-like options for social team (See: #221) -
@zigzagmlt Create GitLab issue to gather social strategy feedback (See: #220) -
@z3z See if we can provide more support for weekly challenges -
Revisit documentation help -
@ryangorley Create Vectors Budget discussion issue on GitLab -
@zigzagmlt @dehesselle @Moini plan publication of macOS article
Edited by Maren Hachmann