Swaches untaglement atempt 2
Using swatches is still fundamentally confusing for 3 reasons.
Editing is done in FS dialog , But fsdialog is contextualso to edit swach your object needs to have swach applied this is very unintuitive and impractical.
You cannot edit swach color in schat dialog
swach dialog holds 2 dialogs in one swaches dialog and pallets dialog. wich are quit different features but we mesh them together.
Swaches - colors that are linked to variable so if you change color it changes color to all applied object
Pallets - preset colors that are not linked to variables
If we want to fix it we need to address all 3 problems. here is my proposal:
FSdialog will only alow to assign swaches. to do any editing you will need to open swach dialog. if there is non of swaches in the document we will create one gray or fusian. if there is any swatch i document apply first .
After you click on open swach editor . you will always pop up swatches with document swatches. here you can add /edit/rename/dele.
to convert normal colors to swaches select them on canvas and click + button (current behavior of swacht button in fs dialog).
then hide editing options if you are in any palett from dropdown. We also add small rectangles to swaches to indicate the there is difference between palet and swaches
option 2 Split swaches and pallets in to two dialogs
Attempt 1