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  • Daniel Boles's avatar
    Selection: Cleanups · ae5850f0
    Daniel Boles authored
    * Use auto_connection instead of having to manually call .disconnect()
    * Don't emit signals and THEN check they're empty: add if/else branch.
    * Move, not copy, slots into our lists.
    * Leverage emplace*() returning reference to slim down connect*First()
    * Use an unordered_map of SPObject* since generally they perform best.
    * Exit early instead of indenting. Use auto to declare iterators.
    * Replace use of stringstream with ustring::compose(). Move away strings
    * Call emptyBack() instead of duplicating its body.
    * Be more const, but avoid unnecessary const_cast & copy of our items().
    * Replace overly complex iterator-based loop with a range-based `for`.
    * Don't copy tool->_selected_nodes->_points_list, since we only read it.
    * Where we 'did' need to copy it, we can just copy the first element, as
      that's all we use, & in doing that we should be safe if list is empty.
    * Clear one local vector earlier than return, to save a tiny bit of RAM!
    * Add const-correct getters to node.h etc, to support const in selection
    * Use constexpr in place of consts or, worse, #defines, in a few places.
    * Replace another iterator-based loop with range-for to shush clangtidy.
    * Only call document->getDefs() once, not per iteration of a `for` loop.