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Some backports to 1.2.x (fix filters on multi-page pdf export, re-add align to pref shortcut, export fixes)

Nathan Lee requested to merge nathanal/inkscape:backports20220628 into 1.2.x

Okay, did a review of all the commits, I'm happy to backport them. Particularly the export dialog ones (6, 7), I don't fully understand the logics, but I can say it shouldn't introduce a bug. Testing can confirm all issues are still solved as reported (except for the crossed out one) when backported to 1.2.x.

  1. Change default align shortcuts to align relative to last option in the Align & Distribute dialog (this option was also added back). (#3379 (closed), !4300 (merged), !4480 (merged), b23fb719)
  2. Follow-up to above. This commit did the actual change of the default shortcuts. (!4480 (merged), e30a5ffc)
  3. Fix a couple markers (one marker could not be selected, another had an invalid id). (#3544 (closed), !4471 (merged), 5860f455)
  4. Fix filtered objects on multipage pdf export (#3214 (closed), !4497 (merged), !4532 (merged), 0b2fe598)
  5. Follow-up to above. (!4532 (merged), 3ad319b7)
  6. Fix crash on ungroup if Export dialog open to Selection with Export Selected only (#3638 (closed), !4549 (merged), 0772c714)
  7. The big dataloss issue!
    • Fix loss to all gradients/clips/filters/other objects in def if you paste something with a gradient/clips/etc and hit undo (if both Export dialog and Fill & Stroke dialog are open). (#3600 (closed), !4512 (merged), 7935a19b)
  8. Fix crash on ungroup of maskhelper group (created on mask/clip if preference set) (#3616 (closed) !4541 (merged) f7422188)
  9. Fix tool preferences popping up unexpectedly clicking two different tools or using tool shortcuts too quickly (#2537 (closed), !4494 (merged), 3f35eaf7)
  10. Fix guide direction so perpendicular or tangential snapping only work if you let go when the guide is tangential (!4518 (merged), d8616729)
Edited by Nathan Lee

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