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Optionaly retain clip/mask on childrens on ungroup

Optionaly retain clip/mask on childrens on ungroup

2 flawors (change in preferences):

  • New (set by default):
    Clips and mask are preserved on ungroup adding to child items when necesary. Also add some code to remove "fake" clips for example on PDF import

  • Legacy:
    Both clips and mask are removed on ungroup

PDF/AI files to test:

Soy_Celiaco_11_arboles.svg Soy_Pedro_22.svgz

Previous solved question to UX team

I set it to true (diferent behabiour than previously) because seems to me the spected results for most user (we need to ask before merge on UX team)

UX question: we need to decide what of the next beabiours is the default one in 1.2 and up

A) Clip path/mask is retained in childrens: (Pic:ungroup and move)


B) Clip path/mask disapear: (Pic:before and after ungroup):


Edited by Jabier Arraiza

Merge request reports