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  • Yorick Peterse's avatar
    Use VirtualBox for both Windows and macOS · 1aac792c
    Yorick Peterse authored
    Using Windows containers in Docker has been a painful experience. Slow
    networks, no support for transparent networks due to the host being a
    VPS, building large containers taking forever, the list goes on.
    Meanwhile it costs me roughly €50 per month to keep the Windows CI
    runner online.
    Since we already have a Mac Mini at MacStadium (for free), we can just
    re-use that Mac and run Windows inside a VirtualBox VM. This allows us
    to work around the various Docker issues on Windows, and should reduce
    our monthly infrastructure costs to more or less €0 (excluding the €1-2
    I pay to AWS every month).
    As part of this we also re-organise the runner tags a bit: the runners
    now use three tags:
    1. "inko"
    2. "vbox" (to indicate it's a virtualbox runner)
    3. "macos" or "windows", based on the type of OS
    This ensures we don't accidentally pick up a shared runner that just
    uses a "windows" or "macos" tag.