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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v0.5
    Version 0.5 of the SDSS extended PSFs: added language proofs from the editor
    Once the paper was accepted by the journal and the editor sent the proofs,
    they have been included into the project. The PSFs are essentially the sames
    since nothing of the building process of them has been changed. The
    modifications are just the inclusion of the proofs and the addition of final
    published meta-data into the header of the PSFs.
  • v0.4
    Version 0.4 of the SDSS extended PSFs: sent to Journal editor and arXiv
    Once the paper has been accepted by the journal (MNRAS; Accepted 2019 October
    30. Received 2019 October 29; in original form 2019 September 10), final
    modifications since v0.3 have been done. They are mainly to make the final
    paper fully reproducible. In this sense, the source of the paper is now into
    this project under Git control. This version of the project is the one that is
    going to be sent to the arXive. Some of the important changes are:
      - The project needs the input dataset allocated in Zenodo (link below).
        Decompress this file into a directory and give the adress in the
        `./project configure' step when asking for "Input datasets directory".
      - The project also needs the software tarballs. They are allocated in Zenodo
        (link below). Decompress this file into a directory and give the adress in the
        `./project configure' step when asking for "software tarball directory".
  • v0.3
    Version 0.3 of the SDSS PSFs: All referee comments have been included
    The PSFs at this points are essentially the same as the previous versions.
    The changes are mainly related with the reproducible-template project (that
    branch was updated and because of that the version increased from v0.1 to
    v0.2) and changes in the figures of the paper once the referee sent us
    comments (v0.2 to v0.3). The five SDSS filters PSFs can be downloaded from
    the IAC Stripe82 web page:
    Later, when the paper becomes accepted, I would upload them into the CDS
    system. At this point, the PSFs would be also published in the arXiv.
  • v0.2
    Version 0.2 is just an updated of the reproducible template since v0.1
    In principle this new tag does not introduce significative changes in
    the PSFs. Actually, the PSFs should be exactly the same as the ones in
    the version v0.1. The changes introduced in v0.2 are only related with
    the reproducible project. This means that the project has been updated
    to include the most recent features like last versions of all software,
    new way of running the project (`./project make' instead of
    `.local/bin/make') and so on.
    Version 0.1 corresponds to the PSFs sent to MNRAS for the first time.
    With this new tag (v0.2) the reproducible tamplate has been updated and
    now, the next commits/tags will be done in order to introduce changes
    and improve the PSFs with the help of the referee comments and
  • v0.1
    Version 0.1 of the SDSS PSFs: First published PSFs and already sent to MNRAS
    This is the first version of the SDSS PSFs paper that has been sent to the
    MNRAS journal. At this point the PSFs are ready to be published so any person
    can use them. The tag/version "v0.1" is the one that appears into the paper
    already sent to the journal and because of that, they are published at the IAC
    Stripe82 web page:
  • v0.0
    Version 0.0 of the SDSS PSFs: imported all previous work
    This is the very first version of the PSFs of SDSS. All previously done
    work have been imported into this project to have all under `git'
    control. That is the reason of creating this first version/tag.
    However, right now the generated PSFs have been built with only 20 stars
    in each filter. In next steps this number will be increased to obtain
    the final PSFs. In that time, all codes will be also improved and
    documented in much more detail.