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  • David Sveningsson's avatar
    fix(config): dont automatically apply `extends: ["html-validate:recommended"]` · fcad0b2a
    David Sveningsson authored
    fixes #98
    BREAKING CHANGE: With this release any custom configuration files will no longer
    automatically extend `html-validate:recommended`.
    The previous behaviour was to to always merge with the default configuration
    containing `extends: ["html-validate:recommended"]`. This is counter-intuitive
    when adding a blank `{}` `.htmlvalidate.json` configuration file (or a file with
    `extends: []`). The new behaviour is to not apply default configuration if
    another configuration is found.
    To retain the previous behaviour you must ensure your configuration contains
    `extends: ["html-validate:recommended"]`. Users who have `root: true` are not
    affected. *If unsure: test your configuration by deliberatly introducing and
    error and verify it is detected*.
    For CLI users: ensure your `.htmlvalidate.json` configuration files are updated.
    For IDE integration users: ensure your `.htmlvalidate.json` configuration files
    are updated.
    For `CLI` API users: same as with CLI the configuration loading has changed and
    all users must update their `.htmlvalidate.json` accordingly.
    For `HtmlValidate` API users: you are most likely not affected, only if both of
    the following conditions are true you need to take care to ensure any
    `.htmlvalidate.json` is updated:
    1. you are using `validateFile` or supply filenames to other validation
    2. you allow user-supplied configurations (or use them yourself) via
       `.htmlvalidate.json` (default unless `root: true` is set in the configuration
       object passed to `new HtmlValidate(..)`)
    The `ConfigLoader` API has also been updated and `fromTarget` may now return
    `null` if no configuration file was found.