Project 'horrific-tweaks/scoreboard-overhaul' was moved to 'horrificdev/scoreboard-overhaul'. Please update any links and bookmarks that may still have the old path.
This appears to have broken again since the fix in 57d8140a. Tried multiple times to get it working and couldn't.
I'd thought the problem was the formatting in Team.decorateName(team, ...)
, but that doesn't seem to make a difference here - it's also possible that I'd never fixed this and was just seeing inconsistent behavior of the NumberFormat detection (which is supposed to hide score numbers when scores are continuous - like on the screenshot).
I've added a "Show score values: Always | Auto | Never" setting in the next version (1.2.0 - being released now), which can at least be used as a workaround to hide the score numbers manually.