This is a little demo single page webapp build with nodejs + express + pug. It loads an image hosted in s3 and displays the server's IP address and hostname. This demo app is used across multiple repositories to show AWS container services, such as (microservices-ecs-cloudformatio)[], someone-yells-k8s, helm chart, someone-yells-cdk
suggested dev environment that runs in a container
To use the offical node container to develop and build the app, pull the image:
$ docker pull node
Start the node container (build on debian jessie) - where we expose port 3000 to localhost so we can preview the app in the browser too
$ docker run -it -p 3000:3000 node bash
In the container
root@fb12900d0e7d:/# apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y vim
Never work as root
root@fb12900d0e7d:/# su - node
Clone this repo
node@fb12900d0e7d:~$ git clone
Cloning into 'someone-yells'...
node@fb12900d0e7d:~$ cd someone-yells
build the app
as this repo has an allready installed app, we only pull updates
node@fb12900d0e7d:~/someone-yells$ npm update
check if there are findings in the module tree
node@fb12900d0e7d:~/someone-yells$ npm audit
if any, see if you can safely fix the findings in the module tree
node@fb12900d0e7d:~/someone-yells$ npm audit fix
run and test app
run the build (in the node container)
node@fb12900d0e7d:~/someone-yells$ DEBUG=* npm start &
Test in a browser
node@fb12900d0e7d:~/someone-yells$ curl localhost:3000
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title></title><link rel="stylesheet" href=""></head><body><div id="main"><img src=""><img src="" width="75%"><h2>Someone is yelling on from host: fb12900d0e7d</h2></div></body></html>node@fb12900d0e7d:~/someone-yells$ GET / 200 219.137 ms - 394
as we exposed the app port to localhost you can access the app from the local host's webbrowser too -> http://localhost:3000