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= Release v0.3.0 =

*All release tags are signed, and release packages are also signed*.
*Always check signatures prior using this software*.

== Added ==

* Initial release as a package.

== Changed ==

* Use compact JSON encoding in `Blake2Serializer` class.
* Change `Blake2Serializer` interface from sign/unsign to dumps/loads.
* Move compression to dumps and mark it in the stream (this seems to
  prevent zip bombs).
* Force inputs as bytes.

== Previous untagged versions ==

=== 0.2.0 ===

==== Changed ====

* Change composition order because its easier to work with positive
  slices and it's kinda a convention to have salt at the beginning
  rather than at the end (incentive from a Twitter thread

=== 0.1.2 ===

==== Added ====

* Add basic tests (run with `python -m unittest blake2signer` or your
  preferred runner).

==== Fixed ====

* Fix digest and key size check.

=== 0.1.1 ===

==== Added ====

* Derive `person` in `Signer` class to allow arbitrarily long strings.

==== Changed ====

* Relicense with MPL 2.0.

=== 0.1.0 ===

==== Added ====

* Initial release as a Gist at