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Gogsy goodie!

🚧 Features

* Gogs (fixes #18) (kudos @PyHedgehog)
* certificate pinning (fixes #88)
* non-standard http ports (fixes #81)
* possibility to use custom SSH address (fixes #107)
* .gitconfig in XDG home directory (fixes #95)
* .gitconfig's proxy definition support (fixes #105)
* automatically grab PR title/body from last commit (fixes #73)

🚒 Bugfixes

* refactoring of listings, improved list command (fixes #114)

💄 Cosmetics

* Switch to a git tag scheme for versioning (using setuptools-scm)
* Updated README with new informations
* Added @PyHedgehog to contributors
* Updated TODO list

Signed-off-by: Guyzmo <>